“The LORD has done great things for us, and we are filled with joy” (Psalm 126)

It takes a special effort of the mind to think back to the beginning of 2022.  Are we still in the pandemic - or are we coming out?  What lockdowns, restrictions, subsidies, miracles or changes will be next?  It is extraordinary to think not only of where we stand today, but of all of the ups and downs in our plans.  Is it not the case that the Lord has been steadfast with us, through it all?   For me personally, this has been a time of the stretching and growing of my faith - a shaking of what it means for us to be a Christian community.  What a privilege!  

As I think of some our highlights, like 65 baptisms during the pandemic period, I am amazed to think not only of the fruit of God’s ministry amongst us at St Jax, but also our response to His grace for the many changes in our various plans, budgets and structures for ministry.  I give thanks for all of our generous giving, as well as the support of our government through these challenging times.

There is no doubt - the face of church is changing.  I believe, for the better!  Please enjoy these pages of updates and stories of where we believe God is leading us to, next as we continue to play our part in sharing again the good news about Jesus and the transformation of society.

Yours in Christ,

The Rev’d Graham Singh


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Throughout our brief history at St Jax, we have embraced a team approach to our Sunday teaching. We value the richness that hearing different voices brings to the community. That continued in 2022, and, as we move forward post-pandemic, we are anticipating reactivating the Teaching Team, and welcoming new members which reflect the diversity of St Jax. 

With the return to in-person services from March of 2022, we have so enjoyed being together again! This has allowed us to shift back to seeing and meeting people face to face, even though pastoring on the phone or Zoom continued consistently throughout the pandemic.


welcome and hospitality


At St Jax, we have always valued a warm hospitable welcome on Sundays which is evidenced by our coffee and bagel time each week. It was such a joy to return to that this past year! A big thanks to our Iranian members who have stepped in to help carry this ministry! We have had to rebuild our welcome and hospitality teams as they were not active during the pandemic when services were online. It’s encouraging to see an influx of new young members to welcome people as they come to Sunday services. 



In 2022, our worship team was blessed with a wonderful influx of new members which broadened the musical expression of our worship. We’re seeing new leaders develop, young people stepping forward to lead the congregation in worship. Our Christmas Carol service, an annual highlight, featured a return to a more classical lessons and carols style. The Music Team at St Jax has always been a source of joyful worship in our services. 

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audio visual


As an integral part of the Worship Ministry, the Audio Visual team works with the worship team and Pastoral staff to provide quality technical services to enhance the worship experience. Our AV team continues to meet each week, on Sunday, to ensure all is well for our services. The pandemic required us to find creative ways of delivering the message to the congregation onsite and online.  With expertise from the tech team members, we were able to build on the existing Zoom services and create a more engaging service for our online members that more closely paralleled the in-person experience. To be sure there were some hiccups along the way as would be expected when melding old and new technology. However, the diligence and perseverance of the tech team came through as they addressed each challenge successfully.

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Alpha 2022 was particularly fruitful. We ran several courses including an online Farsi course and our annual fall session which featured a return to in-person Alpha at the church as well as an online discussion group. For our Holy Spirit weekend we joined with the Alpha groups of St. Ignatius of Loyola with whom we enjoyed a beautiful fellowship and weekend. Our courses saw beautiful prayer for one another as we progressed to the end of the program. 



The Marriage Course, which we have branded, “Date Nights” at St Jax has become an annual feature, running from mid February to the end of March. Throughout the pandemic we adapted to an online version which we have found to be particularly effective. We have seen couples from western Canada and the United States join in. We will continue to host this valuable service to our community and city. 

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“Let the little children come to Me, and do not hinder them, for the Kingdom of Heaven belongs to such as these” Matt 18:14

At St. Jax we love children!  This year the children’s team welcomed Leigh who is loving our littlest ones in the nursery.  Leigh also led the children during our “summer light” with lessons prepared by Jen.  Tori, Jen, Molly-Claire, Olivia & myself, Kathy, continue to gather with the children weekly.  We have learned about God, His ways and about His Kingdom through various bible stories and passages.  We have practised hearing Him through pictures and words. We have prayed, worshipped, played, partied (Easter!) and crafted several models expressing Kingdom truths.  The children were particularly impacted by the outbreak of war in Ukraine and lingering impacts of the pandemic… these we took to the Lord in prayer, asking Him for peace, healing, protection, and blessing.  God bless the children!  



We started off the year being on zoom again. We started a really cool series in February. The series is called “Life On Purpose”. Life On Purpose is a 4 week long series. The video’s are shorter than the Youth Alpha videos so this is why I thought It would be perfect to do this during Zoom Church. Our first Sunday started off with 9 youth on Zoom! So encouraging! Life On Purpose is designed to serve teens by helping them make the connection between meaning, belonging, impact, and the joy of having their friends come to know Jesus. The content is full of stories that are relatable to youth. I pray that the youth will see and continue to see Jesus as the loving Father he is and know that he is always there for them no matter what.

Once we were back in person we started a bible study on the book of Colossians. The length of this study was about 8 weeks. The focus of this study was focusing on answering the most important question of all time: Who is Jesus? Throughout the weeks of this bible study, we covered different sections: Jesus is always with us, Jesus is our guide, Jesus is the perfect example, Jesus will deliver us, Jesus paid it all for us and Jesus gives us significance. 

We started back to school season with a prayer course called Origins by 24/7 prayer. This prayer course has 8 sessions. 

Session 1 - Why Pray 

Session 2 - Who do we pray to? 

Session 3 - P - Pause 

Session 4 - R - Rejoice 

Session 5 - A - Ask

Session 6 - Y - Yes

Session 7 - E - Endure

Session 8 - R - Repeat 

William and Reuben, our two oldest youth at St Jax stepped into their roles as leaders this past year.



Prayer at St. Jax continued through the third year of the pandemic and began with our annual day of prayer with 20+ participants, including members of our growing Farsi speaking community.  We sought The Lord for wisdom, inspiration, and vision for the year ahead.  February and March saw extra prayer meetings with the outbreak of war between Russia & Ukraine and we continue to contend for peace between these two neighbours. Regular prayer times shifted, adjusted, and continued Sundays and Wednesdays throughout the year, both on Zoom and on site.

Once again we participated in the Archbishop of Canterbury’s prayer initiative Thy Kingdom Come.  We prayed with a focus on loved ones and acquaintances to come to know Jesus during the 11 days between Ascension and Pentecost.  Finally, Date Nights and Alpha were joyfully supported with focused prayer by dedicated team members.  In reflection, although we felt scattered at times, I believe we were being spread out and God has been preparing us for expansion.  He continues to meet us through prayer, inspiring, encouraging, healing, and teaching us to “rejoice always, pray continually, (and) give thanks in all circumstances.” 1 Thes 5:16-18

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The Centre St Jax is how we publicly refer to our property and its general operations. It is also an administrative division within the structure of the Corporation which is responsible for facilities & property management.

In 2022, we experienced another record-breaking year for the Centre’s revenues from our tenants, short-term rentals, and other sources. We expect another record-breaking year in 2023.

The relationship with our primary building-user, Cirque le Monastère, is stronger than ever and is bringing new benefits to our community. These included the installation of an air conditioning system in the Sanctuary, a $300,000 project that was entirely paid for by a Heritage Canada grant which they obtained. The system is sufficiently powerful that it could one day be extended to the Hall. Their next project (currently in progress) is a full replacement of the Sanctuary bathrooms. Le Monastère is actively working on various funding opportunities for other structural renovations.

We were pleased to welcome two new regular building users in 2022. First, the Medicine Bear Drum Circle, an Indigenous men’s support group which meets here weekly during the cold months. Second is Innovation-Assistance, a project by Innovation Youth which works in the area of food security. One of their activities is the bi-weekly Solidarity Market, which is helping hundreds of people in the neighbourhood to save money on their groceries.

We were saddened to say farewell to our Alcoholics Anonymous meetings which have been with us since the 1980s. The meetings were cancelled for two years during the pandemic, and when they started up again, attendance never recovered. The organisers finally decided to throw in the towel last summer. We would dearly like to continue offering this service and have been in contact with several other 12-step groups about the possibility of moving here.

A major challenge for the Centre in 2022 was the maintenance of our gardens, which are currently in a terrible state. This was due to a multitude of factors, some within our control and some without. Although we will take some measures to mitigate the ugliness, we will not be able to return the gardens to their former glory in 2023 due to reasons which are connected to our building’s masonry.

Our building’s masonry is deteriorating at an exponential pace. As we search for a solution to this problem, we have been obligated to conduct yearly inspections of that masonry which usually cost about $75,000 each. In 2022 we made an agreement with Le Monastère to split that cost, which reduced our spending in this regard. In 2023, due to the exponential pace of the deterioration, we will be obligated to conduct two inspections instead of one, at an anticipated cost of $150,000.

First, with regards to the condition of the garden, the use of heavy machinery for these inspections destroys our lawn every year, forcing us to replant it. The replanting in 2022 was unsuccessful due to the subsequent damage caused by Le Monastère’s use of our garden for its summer programming. Without that summer programming, we’d forgo them paying for half of the masonry inspection, as well as the $30,000 they pay to use the garden. This year, we’ll push back the start of the summer programming a bit to give the grass more time to grow, which should make some difference.

With regards to the new, higher cost of inspections, we are pinning our hopes on selling the garden to the City of Montreal, who’d turn it into a public park. We have an agreement in principle to sell it for $3.5 million and are currently working out details related to access, servitude rights, development rights, etc.. Once the sale goes through (following special approval by the Corporation) we will have the funds necessary to finance the immediate masonry inspection needs, and to begin work on actually repairing the more urgent masonry issues.






What a year! What a great God we serve! As we look ahead to the many decisions facing our future, let us give thanks for all that has come so far. Please join me in thanking our tireless ministry leaders, volunteers, network of supporters, friends and donors as we look ahead. Thank you for your time in considering this report and we look forward to discussing it, in the annual church Vestry meeting.

Yours in Christ,


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